Genus: Dasylirion. Other common names spoon flower . (2018) p 64 Parts Shown: Habit Photo. In the case of Dasylirion specifically, plants generally form a large head of radiating strap-like leaves with serrated edges. In summer they produce a huge flower spike up to 4m high covered in creamy white flowers… Any given mature plant of D. longissimum does not flower every year, but on years when this occurs a stalk emerges to one side of the growing tip in summer (typically in July at the Ruth Bancroft Garden), and it rises up well above the tips of the leaves. Synonyms: Dasylirion quadrangulatum, still foliage will grow to 4-6 feet in length. Dasylirion quadrangulatum (longissimum) Mexican Grass Tree, Toothless Sotol Mexican grass tree is a spectacular accent plant that blends well in either arid or tropical gardens. no. Small plants are relatively inexpensive, but larger ones are a fortune. Dasylirion longissimum is a large, succulent plant with glaucous-green, stiff, unarmed, up to 6 feet (1.8 m) long, grass-like leaves. Smooth Desert Spoon, Smooth Sotol. Flower, Habit Photo. Spread 5' Full sun Very drought tolerant Eventually blooms creamy white flowers in early summer May eventually reach 10' tall Smooth-edged green leaves There are two species which differ from the others in having very narrow needle-like leaves, and these are frequently confused in nurseries and in gardens. As plants mature, they slowly form a trunk to 10 feet tall, and are crowned with a 6 to 8 foot rosette of narrow green leaves. All rights reserved. Categories: Caudex Plants, Xeric Plants. The capsules are thin-walled and have 3 wing-like projections. In recent classification systems, it is listed as belonging to the subfamily Nolinoideae within the Asparagus Family (Asparagaceae), but family groupings among the monocots have gone through multiple rearrangements. Flowering plants: Dasylirion wheeleri (photo by kennedyh); Dasylirion berlandieri; Dasylirion longissimum Dasylirion longissumum (sometimes called longissima or quadrangularis ), aka the Mexican Grass Tree or Toothless Sotol, is unique among the Dasylirions (as least the common ones) by having grass-like leaves that are dull green, thin, 4 sided, toothless and up to 6' long. International Dendrology Society. In gardens, D. longissimum is more frequently encountered. Develops a single trunk with great age but most often seen in its ground hugging form. There are large papery bracts on the stalk, and emerging from between these on the upper part of the stalk are small finger-like clusters of tiny flowers. A perfect specimen for xeriscapes and desert gardens. Discover more HHH events and happenings around the Diablo Valley. Mature plants may bloom in summer, bearing tiny flowers in tight clusters on a tall, narrow spike. There are no related plants for species Dasylirion longissimum. Each one has a single seed within, tan in color and about the size of a peppercorn. Fine Gardening. In the summer, a 9 foot (2.7 m) tall spike of small white flowers emerge from reddish buds. The leaves of Dasylirion longissimum look like giant needles, with a length of up to 6½ feet (2 m), but they are actually square (or at least 4-sided) in cross-section. Dasylirions are slow growing, carefree and durable, drought tolerant plant. The stem slowly forms a stocky trunk that may reach 10 feet or higher, bearing the bushy crown of 6-foot, 4-sided leaves. An almost ferocious looking plant, sotol is drought tolerant and a wild desert treasure. The Ruth Bancroft Gardenis a preservation project ofThe Garden Conservancy. Dasylirion longissimum Live Plants With Good Root - (You Will Receive 1 nice Plant(s) in a 3 Gal Pot - 2 Feet Tall ) Dasylirion longissimum, common name is Mexican Grasss. Desert Spoon (Dasylirion wheeleri) is the variety described in this guide. no. Dasylirion longissimum is a large, succulent plant with glaucous-green, stiff, unarmed, up to 6 feet (1.8 m) long, grass-like leaves. Quite a stunning plant If you have the room for it Forming a dome of blue-green leaves that have a wonderful kineticism in any slight breeze. The leaves radiate symmetrically out of a large woody trunk that can slowly but eventually grow up to 15 feet (4.5 m) tall. Home / Shop / Plants / Spikey & Drought Tolerant / Dasylirion longissimum. As the flowers are pollinated, many small capsules form, and these develop a dark rust-red color. Unarmed, olive-green, grass-like foliage flows from the center of this perfectly symmetrical, evergreen tree. Whitish-yellow flowers grow in narrow clusters. On mature plants white flowers will emerge from reddish buds on a nine foot tall spike. The leaves of Dasylirion longissimum are thin (1/4″) and long (4-6′), quadrangular in cross section, and arranged in a rosette. Attributes - Dasylirion longissimum. While both D. longissimum and D. quadrangulatum come from Mexico, D. longissimum comes from about 200 miles farther south, in the states of Hidalgo and Queretaro, while D. quadrangulatum has a more northerly occurrence in Tamaulipas, southern Nuevo Leon and northern San Luis Potosi. Family: Asparagaceae The trunk of Dasylirion longissimum grows to a height of 4m. ; Smooth Sotol (Dasylirion leiophyllum) produces clusters of small white flowers on the upper third of the sturdy, 5- to 20- foot tall bloom stalk.It is also hardy in USDA Zones 8-10. Synonyms: Dasylirion juncifolium Rehnelt This is an annual bloomer that sends up a very tall spike of flowers from its center topped with loads of small flowers that cover up to a third of its length. The leaves of Dasylirion longissimum look like giant needles, with a length of up to 6½ feet (2 m), but they are actually square (or at least 4-sided) in cross-section. The dark green-gray leaves are slender and ador… Fine Gardening. Dasylirion quadrangulatum (Mexican grass tree) has stiff, narrow green leaves with smooth margins, more fine textured and wide spreading than others. Dasylirion longissimum, female plant in fruit, A similar species, Dasylirion quadrangulatum, Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsReturn PolicyCookie Policy. In the summer, a nine foot tall spike of small white flowers emerge from reddish buds. These are Dasylirion longissimum and Dasylirion quadrangulatum, and it might be useful to point out their differences. Native to the Chihuahuan Desert and other xeric habitats in Northeastern Mexico. This magnificent deer-resistant specimen (6' tall x 6' wide in 10 years) forms a fountain of thin clothesline-like arching leaves to 3'...looking sort of like a car antenna after getting caught in a cheap carwash. Dasylirion longissimum, Mexican Grass Tree, flower, honey bees, full bloom. Dasylirion is a small genus of 18 semi-succulent species. The plant’s flowers are born on tall stalks about 10 to 15 feet above the plant, with the top one quarter to one … Treat like a succulent. Old leaves are retained on the trunks leaving a grass skirt effect. Dasylirion quadrangulatum is the most spectacular of the Mexican sotols, without the typical spiny leaves. Plants in containers can be moved inside during longer cold spells… – See more at: How to Grow and Care for Dasylirion. Plant database entry for Mexican Grass Tree (Dasylirion longissimum) with 14 images and 13 data details. Not each year but generally summer to fall (occasionally in late spring), a nine foot tall spike of small white flowers emerge from reddish buds. Botanical name: Dasylirion quadrangulatum (syn. Mexican Grass Tree (Dasylirion longissimum) - New and Unread Tree-Mails DASYLIRION longissimum. These make great specimen plants for xeriscape gardens and blend well in either tropical or arid gardens. Plant Type: Shrub. In any case, Dasylirion is clearly related to Nolina, Beaucarnea and Calibanus, and all four of these genera have some features in common: they all come from North America to Central America, are dioecious (having separate male and female plants), have long narrow leaves, and have round seeds which are either tan or brown. Large plant native to northeastern Mexico with glaucous-green stiff unarmed grass-like 6 foot long leaves. The leaves can reach 5 ft. in length (150 cm) and are adorned with golden spines along their margins. Yearbook. Copyright © 2013-2020 World of Succulents. Genus Dasylirion are dioecious evergreen shrubs or trees with thick stems bearing terminal rosettes of narrow, spiny-edged leaves; tiny star-shaped flowers are borne in long panicles in summer, on mature plants Bloom Season: Early Summer through Late Summer. (925) 944-9352 Office Dasylirion longissimum (Mexican Grass Tree) – A large evergreen trunk-forming shrub with fairly rigid 4 to 6 foot long glaucous-green grass-like long leaves. D. longissimum flowers later in the year, generally after the summer solstice, while D. quadrangulatum flowers in spring. Dasylirion wheeleri (Desert Spoon) is a very ornamental evergreen succulent boasting a perfectly symmetrical rosette packed with hundreds of long, narrow, silvery blue-green leaves tipped with white fibers. © The Ruth Bancroft Garden, Inc. Forms a dense bundle of narrow, linear, ribless, stiffly erect olive green leaves. Despite these floral differences, the two species look vegetatively alike, and this is no doubt the reason they are sometimes listed as synonyms. Description The Mexican grass tree is the largest growing species of Dasylirion in cultivation. Greenish-white flowers top a 7 to 15-foot-tall spike. It is a natural specimen and focal accent plant due to its very long and cylindrical foliage and tall flowers spikes. These make excellent potted specimens, and their symmetrical form provides a striking focal point. However, they grow faster if watered well (don't water the crown, though they rot easily). They are flexible, unspined . Our tallest plant at the Ruth Bancroft Garden has developed a trunk of a little less than 5 feet (1.5 m), but this is only after more than 45 years in the ground. The bloom looks a lot like a giant torch or poker. 161. The leaves are very narrow about 1m long with very small teeth along the margins. (2015) p 78 Parts Shown: Habit Photo. The plant can also be tamed and used to elegant effect in the garden as part of a xeriscape or desert themed landscape.Dasylirion can grow 7 feet tall (2 m.) with a flowering spike an astounding 15 feet (4.5 m.) in height. Dasylirion longissimum | plant lust. Suzie Yalda, who lives in Agoura Hills, sent a picture of a Mexican grass tree (Dasylirion longissimum), also displaying a remarkable flower stalk, if not as tall and as rapidly growing as an agave’s. Dasylirion is a genus of 20 or so species native to Mexico and the southwestern US (Wikipedia lists 22 species). Plant in full sun to light shade. The Ruth Bancroft Garden is a non-profit501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.Tax ID is 68-0310041. 20% Off! A stout trunk can develop over many years and eventually reach 8-10 ft. in height; some specimens will develop branched trunks. When the two species come into flower, they can be distinguished by the form of the flower spike: in D. longissimum, the flowering section of the stalk is spindle-shaped (wider at the middle and narrowing toward either end), while in D. quadrangulatum it is more compact and shaped like a taper candle (widest at the bottom and narrowing as it goes upward). Foliage: Evergreen. It has traditional uses as a fermented drink, building material, fabric and cattle fodder. Plant Common Name. Plant Highlights By Date Plant Highlights Alphabetically. The leaves move The rosette sits on a stout short trunk. Treasured by modern designers for its fine textured, perfectly symmetrical dome of foliage. Most Dasylirions are rather resistant to cold and drought. The foliage rosette sits atop a woody base that can, with age, form a treelike trunk. Dasylirion Species, Mexican Grass Tree (Dasylirion longissimum) Another great plant in the ground in Escondido California (at a nursery) The male flower stalk is cream-colored, gradually drying to tan as the flowers go by, but the female stalk is more colorful and remains so for months. Unarmed, olive-green, grass-like foliage flows from the center of this perfectly symmetrical, evergreen tree. Dasylirion acrotrichum (green sotol) is a 'green-leaf' species of sotol which gives a slightly different accent effect. This is one the most dazzling of the Dasylirions, most resembling the genus Xanthorea, the grass trees of Australia. 1552 Bancroft Road Tributes, Honorary Gifts & Memorial Donations, “Ruth’s Tips” – from the newspaper archives. 182. USDA hardiness zone 8b to 10b: from 15 °F (−9.4 °C) to 40 °F (+4.4 °C). Dasylirion longissimum – Mexican Grass Tree. The leaves move In the garden they should be placed in a sunny, well-drained area with additional summer water in dry climates. This succulent makes a stunning desert specimen with its stiff narrow grass-like leaves radiating from a central trunk that hugs the ground for many years but can slowly and eventually grow 6-15 feet high. In gardens, D. longissimum is more frequently encountered. The leaves can reach 3 ft. in length (90 cm) and are adorned with small recurved spines along their edges. Plant in very fast draining soil and provide little or no water in winter. They may eventually form a trunk, but this takes many years. The leaves radiate symmetrically out of a large woody trunk that can slowly but eventually grow to 6 -15 feet tall. Origin and Habitat: Fairly limited in range in northeastern Mexico Walnut Creek, CA 94598 When the plant is mature it blooms with hundreds of greenish-white bell-shaped flowers on a tall narrow spike coming from the center of the plant. Subscribe now and be up to date with our latest news and updates. Dasylirion acrotrichum (Green Desert Spoon) is a very ornamental evergreen succulent boasting a perfectly rounded rosette packed with up to 100-300 long, slender, ribbonlike, lime green leaves with feathery, tufted ends. Family Asparagaceae . The leaves radiate symmetrically out of a large woody trunk that can slowly but eventually grow up to 15 feet (4.5 m) tall. Flower stalks take a number of years to form (from juvenile stage) and can reach up to 15 feet tall. The Dasylirion longissimum is indigenous to Southeast Mexico. Full sun. They thrive best in full sun, but can be grown with some shade and humidity. Great candidate for xeriscaping. Flower Color: White, Yellow. The mission of the Ruth Bancroft Garden, Inc. is to preserve this exceptional example of garden design and to continue to develop its collection of water-conserving plants for the education and enjoyment of the public. Subfamily: Nolinoideae The rosette sits on a very short and stocky stem felted with old leaves. These truly striking plants are native to the southern United States and Mexico, closely resembling both Yucca s and Agave s. They are found in very arid lands, along dry washes and on rocky … Slow growing and drought tolerant, it will grow slightly faster with additional water but avoid watering from above to prevent rotting the crown. The plant does not die after blooming. Dasylirion longissimum Live Plants With Good Root - (You Will Receive 1 nice Plant(s) in a 3 Gal Pot - 2 Feet Tall ) Dasylirion longissimum, common name is Mexican Grasss. It is an extremely graceful and very symmetric plant forming a shimmering orb of fine grassy leaves that tremble beautifully in the slightest breeze. Their long, narrow leavesranging in color from dark green to blue-green to silverycan be upright or drooping. They are stiff enough to radiate out in all directions, rather than drooping, but still have enough flexibility to dance and quiver when stirred by the wind, and this is one of their delightful features in garden settings. Long stiff but narrow leaves radiate from the center in geometric precision. They are stiff enough to radiate out in all directions, rather than drooping, but still have enough flexibility to dance and quiver when stirred by the wind, and this is one of their delightful … These are very attractive to bees, which visit the male flowers to gather pollen, and also the female flowers for nectar. The leaves radiate symmetrically out of a large woody trunk that can slowly but eventually grow 6 -15 feet tall. Click here for garden & nursery hours. In late summer, it produces a tall flower spike up to 10 feet tall covered with cream colored flowers. In the summer, a 9 foot (2.7 m) tall spike of small white flowers emerge from reddish buds. Prefers well drained soils of moderate fertility and limited moisture. Sale! Although a plant of D. longissimum remains trunkless (or nearly so) for many years, eventually it does grow taller. Give it room it grows to 8-10' … This succulent is a stemless xerophyte that sports a swollen base. Dasyilirion longissimum) Common names: Mexican grass tree, toothless desert spoon, toothless sotol Origin: Native to the northeastern region of Mexico, including Coahuila, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi Where it will grow: Hardy to 15 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 9 degrees Celsius (USDA Zone 8; find your zone) Best where winter temperatures stay above 50°F (10°C), but can take some periods of frost. Sotol Plant Varieties . The foliage rosette sits on a nine foot tall spike of small white flowers will emerge reddish. ( 2015 ) p 64 Parts Shown: Habit Photo spiny leaves soil and provide or... Of years to form ( from juvenile stage ) and can reach up 4m. In summer, a 9 foot ( 2.7 m ) tall spike of Dasylirion specifically, plants generally a! This perfectly symmetrical, evergreen tree 4-sided leaves Mexico with glaucous-green stiff unarmed grass-like foot. Color and about the size of a large woody trunk that can slowly but eventually grow 6. 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Dasylirion quadrangulatum ( syn out their differences −9.4 °C ) to 40 °F ( −9.4 °C ) to 40 (... For Dasylirion, Dasylirion quadrangulatum ( syn some specimens will develop branched trunks but most often seen in its hugging! ) to 40 °F ( +4.4 °C ) to 40 °F ( −9.4 °C ) synonyms: Dasylirion syn! ( syn grow taller are a fortune ), but larger ones are a.. Out their differences of narrow, linear, ribless, stiffly erect olive green leaves in...