Don’t make some common mistakes in trying to get your dog comfortable going outside again: Desensitizing your dog to whatever might be scaring them to go outside is a great start. Answer: It sounds like your dog is worried about something in the hallway, but sort of forgets about it if something exciting distracts her such as going on a car ride or having guests or another dog. Being able to remove that fear or associate it with something different can make all the difference. Hi, I have a border collie as well! Adrienne Farricelli (author) on December 09, 2016: Hello Julie! My 8 month gsd is fine with the yard in fact she loves it but is fearful of going outside the gate to certain directions. For example to our rigjt of the gate is a playground which she isnt afraid of but to the left is path/road towards the park we usually go. It's the door that scares her. She has been doing ok on early morning walks - usually about 30 minutes. Why is My Dog Lethargic and Not Eating or Drinking? It's quiet out here in the country. Standard traditional advice used to be that puppies can go outside in public places when they are fully protected by their immunizations at about 16 weeks old. If your dog is suddenly scared of something outside, you need to find out why that’s the case. What to do? There are however, certain techniques that, while effective with other humans, may make the dog's behavior worse. Most Comfortable Pet Travel Carriers for Dogs and Cats! I don't want him to associate the harness and leash with a "horrible experience" (he REALLY hates the cold too and can't relax to go to the bathroom outside). A good way to make the outdoors less intimidating is to put the food bowl near the door and then gradually move it outside. Suddenly to say the least! She is food motivated depending on her mood and when she last ate, but she's definitely too scared of even the thought of going out and won't take treats inside if a walk is on the table. Since then she is terrified to go outside. No need to worry, dogs do not need a math degree to understand this equation! Unsure how to clear this up, I have tried running with her, it worked for about 5 walks then she stop, she searches for places to hid instead of places to go potty! The dog is then placed in the yard, which is a scary event that may cause more fear and stress. Question: My dog is 100% potty trained and will not go on a pee pad (she just tears them up and eats them). But just as they learned to associate the scary thing with being outdoors, you can work to desensitize them to it. My dog is deathly afraid of going outside and we were dragging him out just to get him out the door. Until then, I have a specific question with regards to walking him. We have another male dog that kind of picks on his before the two are supposed to go outside. Hi, I have a similar problem in a way - my mother's dog is perfectly fine going outside into the back yard, but is absolutely terrified of going for walks. Feed a few feet away from the door, but this time with the door open. HE JUST PUTS OFF USING THE BATHROOM TILL IT GETS DARK....AND I KNOW THIS US NOT GOOD FOR HIS KIDNEYS.....HELP❓. Senior dogs can also be more prone to anxiety when it comes to associating something negative with being outside. It's a dead end cul-de-sac. Question: How do I train my dog to use a ramp? If your rescue dog is afraid to go outside or doesn’t seem to enjoy walks with you, it could just be because they aren’t used to it. A dog's ability to take food is often a good indicator of a dog being sub-threshold. It could be the floors they’re afraid of and not being outside itself. Or, they may have something wrong with their paw that makes it hard for them to walk. Best wishes! Open the door for your dog for a few minutes. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 17, 2016: It's great that you have a helper (your daughter) to get this dog to walk with no fear. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. This can have a lot to do with how different the surroundings are from the previous home. Owners often find that dogs are restless and pace about when they want your urgent attention. Hi, I have 2 Northern Inuit dogs,one,5yrs from puppy and no problem but this gorgeous,big,powerful,almost 3yrs bitch,has refused to leave front door since I rescued her 3months ago. Sessions should be short and filled with positivity and encouragement. It's tiring, frustrating and I feel very badly for her. She is not very good with other dogs, except our Berber. How could we start making him a happier, more relaxed dog? When I attempt to get her go further she acts like she is being abused, shivers, won't let me touch her or if she does she flinches, not sure if this is due to her past? The best thing to do in this situation is to be patient and slowly introduce them to going outside again when it’s quiet and sunny. yeah my wife and I moved about 4 days ago and to a new house and my beagle is fine but my Australian Shepherd is afraid to go outside and will hold his business until he's just about ready to explode and then he'll go outside do his business and run back in the house. If your dog does not like the outdoors, he may have been conditioned to act fearfully. In the case of dealing with a dog fearful of the outdoors, flooding would entail taking the dog outdoors and blocking the escape route so the dog is forced to face its fear. my goldendoodle is 8...and just started putting the brakes on to go outside after it gets dark. She has now become in-housetrained. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Great information. Is your new yard bigger or smaller? If your dog is anxious on walks or seems hesitant, think about any negative experiences they may have had. I'm not sure what to do with this situation? Dog owners must be able to recognize early warning signs of stress so as to make sure they're not asking for too much at once. This could happen from something like getting bitten by an ant in the yard to encountering a mean dog on a walk. We tried putting pee pads by the door and using a "go here spray" but she refuses to even smell them when they're indoors. I started walking her on a leash around our property controlling her behaviour. Lastly, I live in an apartment, have a small side yard, but it'd a matter of getting past the front of the building and on at least a 10 minute stroll. It’s not a good idea to let your dog out during a storm anyway. When I meet that dog then, owners are surprised how easily I got his interest. It would take baby steps with lots of praise when you are out, treats and play so to make the outside less frightening. Some common fears include: Strange noises or a stranger's approach can cause any dog to react but might be especially frightening to a puppy. PLEASE PLEASE can you help me PLEASE,it's breaking my heart and she's so big she needs the exercise. If your dog does not show signs of improvement in the first week or two, or if the behavior worsens, consider consulting with a veterinary behaviorist or certified applied animal behaviorist (CAAB). She already has a spot in the yard where she poops and pees. But, it may not be restricted to just going outside. It's heartbreaking to watch her. I hope you’ll keep reading because in some cases this may not be the best advice for your puppy. He doesn't necessarily "need" the walks for bathroom purposes since his foster mom said that he was Pee Pad trained so I am using one right now in the condo unit (we're still working and adjusting to that and there have been some accidents). My mom and I dont know what happened to her while she was outside that made her so scared of it. If you can take them outside through a different door, that could be helpful, too. Train the puppy to go outside. Why is My Dog Afraid of the Vacuum Cleaner and Brooms? For the first 3 months we loved going on walks together, sometimes miles a day. I live in the middle of a busy city. If he seems more at ease with the torch on, I would consider having lights on in the yard (we have motion sensor lights at night that turn on automatically) and reassuring your dog. There are so many factors that come into play when you move to a new place with your dog. she usually eliminates next to them instead of on them. Otherwise, from my profile, you can go to my Pinterest account where I have a fearful dog board with all my fearful dog hubs in one place. Our 3yr old dog Nessa gets real nervour and anti socialable when my wife or I take her out for her daily walk, but when my 10yr old daughter is with eighter of us when we walk our dog she is a totally different dog, she becomes somewhat fareless and our neighbors all seem amazed. Some dogs even develop something called canine cognitive dysfunction. You get to enjoy the outdoors and the fresh…, There's one thing that can sour being greeted by your dog after a day at work – the fact that your dog has bad breath. This way you are there to praise and reward her for going and she will feel reassured by your presence. (And yes, she's a shelter dog.). If you carry your dog outdoors, you are causing two big problems: Your dog's fear of the outside may manifest in many ways. This includes different places, people, and other dogs. If the stimuli the dog is exposed to is too intense, the dog may become increasingly sensitized to his fear. It is also helpful to troubleshoot what may be in that area that scared her to help reduce the fear. The following are some tips for dogs who refuse to potty outside. I have a problem with constant barking, giving him treats is a waste of time he just goings back and barks again. I will try your suggestions and go slowly with him, it could take him a long time before we are ready for something like a Dog Obedience Class. However, for very severe cases, calming aids may be needed along with the aid of a professional. Canines adore food, and dinnertime is regularly the highlight of their day. Voted up. But suddenly on 5/15/16 she became extremely fearful and has been crying almost non stop. As explained by the Animal Humane Society, this is best done through a process called desensitization. If your dog is play oriented, scatter lots of toys on the lawn and entice him to come outside with squeaking toys or bouncing balls. So, a sound that might seem comfortable to a person can be deafening and scary to them. Introduce your dog to different areas of your new yard slowly and show them they’re safe. The dog was small, and old and knew it had little chance fighting a hungry fox. I got him at 10 weeks old Has he got a bad memory he's not aggressive in any form and he's never been scalded with me I love him and I'm worried for his nerves, Haha really interesting! Just got rescue dog which won't go outside and seems scared of everything, rushing from room to room when u approach her. Why is My Dog Afraid to Go Outside? If he does, don't take him far, keep it really short and fun. Please help me! My dog is a yorkie and since yesterday shes been afraid to go outside. What can I do? If your dog is shy, sit on the lawn and try to call him in a happy voice, using an irresistible toy. Great advice...if you have a dog that is food motivated and trainable with treats...or likes to play. My 6 yo lab suddenly will not go outside. Remember that dogs respond to encouragement and positive associations. If there are other dogs next door or nearby, that can also affect their fear. Did you make a move from a rural area to the big city and now your dog refuses to go to the bathroom outside? Make sure to make being outdoors super rewarding and fun too so she can chain the hallway with the outdoors just like you like kids start acting happy when they catch a glimpse of the entrance to Disney World. Don’t give up and pay attention to your dog’s stress signals for when you might need to take them inside. In many cases, the fear is unfounded and may stem from a lack of socialization and fear of the unknown. Before a dog hits 14 weeks old, they should be introduced to the outside world. She will go maybe a block or half block away at best, but barely piddle, and then turn around. As a result, it can feel overwhelming and scary. Due to his neglect, your puppy has become fearful of the outside world and is having issues trusting you, as humans in the past have corrupted that trust. Once inside, make the day boring. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. The best approach is to go slowly. he used to go outside and spend hours outside all day long in and out back and forth and now we can barely get him to go outside once a day. Good luck! If another dog lived there before, your dog might start to get anxious when they go out and smell the other canine. If your dog doesn’t want to go on walks anymore, you should start slowly with a walk around the block. Thank you again! Go at your dog's pace. I brought my 4 month old pomeranian puppy home about 3 days ago. Let us rephrase that into…, Any time a dog is suddenly lethargic, it’s natural for you to worry about their health and wellbeing. In other cases, the fear is known, such as when the dog runs back in at the sight of something it fears or as soon as a scary noise is perceived. In order for a dog to learn and overcome its fears, he must go out the yard on its own. Hello! I don't know what to do. Threshold levels vary from one dog to another. Consider that when urine becomes concentrated, it ups the chances for bacteria to thrive, which can lead to annoying urinary tract infections. Keep walking the dog with your daughter and provide lots of praise and treats on these outings. My dog has been having accidents in the house and is afraid of going outside. If your dog starts to associate going outside with getting shocked, they may begin to fear every inch of the yard, not just the areas they aren’t supposed to go over. If I can give a dime for every dog owner who says their dog is not food motivated or toy motivated, I would be rich! Not all dogs show fear in the same way. We have an ex bait dog who is neither of those. Walking her around to do her business and she literally b lines for the house. The article is really helpful in understanding why my pup is afraid of going outside. Let’s take a look at common reasons why your dog might be scared to go outside so that you can find the solution. You may not even know which noise caused the problem in the first place. The idea is to get your dog to love being outside again. i live in an apt. There is a step-by-step guide with an accompanying video in this article: My dog in the past few weeks has become reluctant to go outside a second time in the late afternoon/early evening. All dogs love a good run around the great outdoors, most cannot…, Your dog spends the day trying to 'guilt' you into feeding them. Perhaps they were bitten by a bug or another animal or stepped on a stick, thorns, etc. He will not go potty outside. Once out, shower them with affection, praise and many high-value treats in small pieces given in a row. However, I have to carry her since it's clear that she's about to pee or poop. It will also help to reduce your dog’s fear even faster. But, if you think a loud noise is what caused your dog to be scared at night or scared of their backyard, introducing them slowly back into your yard is the best option. My 1 year old female German Shepherd cross barked alt outside. Make sure you give the treats when the noise is playing and put them away when you stop the recording. We live in the country. Then one day your dog may decide to put on its brakes and will not budge. Sometimes female dogs that aren't spayed exhibit a false pregnancy and get very attached to their toys, as they are perceived as their pups. It's helpful for training purposes if you can identify a specific fear. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. My 7 month old bull mastiff does not like going in the garden his older brother dog loves it but he does not like being apart from us he has got worse since the older one has tried to dominate him even though they love each other we got him from a farm and was locked in a barn away from all the other dogs and will still not cock his leg I have tried the food and playing but he walks while wee in and I don’t no what to do please help. Going out, then when you get her out she's happy and afraid to come back in. The only thing I can think of is that the neighbors cat comes over t9 our house all the time, and my dog can smell her. I like the way the article broke down the counter conditioning is simple terms and comprehensive. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Hey all! Noise, treat, noise, treat, noise, treat. Any suggestions? Thankfully, that doesn’t necessarily matter. However, unlike humans who can rationally talk themselves out of a fear, dogs panic until their brains shut down. He's also afraid of the vacuum machine in our house, as well as whistling o.O You can see my pup in the hub "Dog Gets Pranked" :). For 5 years there were no issues. when i bring her out she just sits there and doesnt understand why im bringing her out. Sometimes, it could be something as simple as overgrown toenails. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 22, 2015: Welcome to the fearful dog world! Do this several times until the peeing is replaced by anticipation for the treat. Also of the dark. Park the car near home and then walk together home. Very Big Bang bright flash of light. Question: In the meantime, while the dog is so afraid to go outside, what do we do about to help our agoraphobic dog when he needs to go empty his bladder or bowels? If your dog is reluctant to go outside or is simply terrified, it is important that you take the right approach to training. Give jackpots for when the dog steps outdoors. It happens in all sorts of weather and I don't know what sound if any is disturbing to her. I try and encourage her and even her treats have no affect. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 27, 2015: A new home won't do any good to a dog who is fearful, and most homes have doors. You should be in a position to provide your support and assistance to a puppy in such a … I am unsure what to do, I am considering trying to find her a home with someone who has a yard so she is not uncomfortable or get infections due to not going? I’m worried about her what can I do? I can clip her leash on and she will walk nicely out front at least, butI want to know what's bugging her so I can help. It was likely a negative association with something outside that triggered their fear, to begin with. Do this frequently, and once your dog is outside, make sure your dog sees a bunch of toys scattered in the yard. I used to have a female dog that used to actually get him to go out, now that she is with another family member of mine, she isn't here to have him go out, so now he just refuses. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 05, 2017: Miguel, this can be quite a challenging situation you have on your hands. As dogs age they go through changes and things may be perceived differently at during the day time and night. In most cases, it can take time and patience. I really appreciate you taking some time to post some advice for me. The properties are spread out, with at least an acre between us. I don't know what to do for her, I have never had a dog that would not go potty when taken outside, I am puzzled! If they used to like the outdoors until now, it’s likely that something recently happened to trigger their fear. If your dog is going to the bathroom everywhere, you may find it helpful, confining your dog on an easy to wash area like bathroom or kitchen floor or train your dog to use an indoor litter box for dogs or pee pads. Has your dog become scared of going up your stairs? Adrienne Farricelli (author) on July 28, 2019: Tracey, severe cases of fear may require the intervention of a behavior professional and possibly, the use of calming aids. Dogs don't do well with changes and that dog may have been what instilled confidence in both of them. Blurred or impaired vision can cause them to become more anxious, especially outside. If it helps, tie it on a string and move it erratically like prey. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 12, 2015: It could be something happened there that scared him, perhaps a dog has intimidated him? What could be causing it? Thanks for adopting a rescue a dog and opening your home and heart to him. While flooding is a form of behavior therapy, it comes with substantial risks, and there are not many guarantees it will work. This is much like Alzheimer’s Disease in humans. How can I housebreak her if she's really afraid of going outside? In these situations he's likely to growl, snarl, snap or bite because he's literally scared out of his wits. In fact. The tail goes between her legs and she pulls me back to the door to go in. But, you have to go about that retraining the right way. It must be crystal clear to your dog that the noise is what brings the treats out and when the noise ends, the treats end too! I don't have enough space here to share some suggestions as there would be too many to list, but if you take a peak at some of my hubs, I have over 30 on fearful dogs. Another option, some find it helpful to carry their small dogs down and then go on a car ride. Tossing a child who's afraid of water into a pool fears water into a pool may make that child more afraid—and it's the same with a dog. So, while it might be nothing more than an annoyance for people, it can be somewhat traumatizing for a dog, especially when they’re dealing with other stimuli, too. I train her every day and have done everything you have suggested,I get her into garden where she's spending a little more time,but NOTHING will get her to go on a walk.She dashes' in n out of front door with tons of encouragement but that's it, now I just don't know what to do. Counter-conditioning means changing a dog's physical and emotional response to a particular stimulus. We will see desensitization and counterconditioning at play in the steps below. It can take time for them to get used to their new surroundings. So far I've just been acting super calm and relaxed and walking ahead so that he has to follow me out the door and into the elevator, but I don't want to "force and push" too much too soon and damage our chances for calm and happy walks later. Kind regards, alexadry. You can socialize a dog at any age. Dogs can easily make the connection between a frightful situation and when/where it happened. now she is afraid to go outside unless we are out there with her what can I do to remedy the problem? My friend's dog was afraid to go outside. Thank you Alexadry! Then progress daily to clipping the leash to her collar, give a treat and then remove it, without going anywhere. Older dogs can have a harder time adjusting to new surroundings and situations. I just adopted a 3 year old German Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix a few months ago. I don't know what to do. Most of the reasons for your dog’s fear can be helped with some retraining. He's pulled out of his leash before as well. Often what makes the difference is distance. So, the next time they do hear a loud noise, they won’t be so frightened because they know they’re safe outdoors. And it could impact the rest of their lives. But if she is just going to pee she refuses to walk into the hallway. Afraid of her food dish, afraid to come to anyone for food, afraid to stand next to people .... so, just basically, terrified of her existence. She's a rescue and recently will not go outside unless she has to go terribly. If she knows she is going for a ride or going to see her dog friend, she has no fear and willingly goes outside. But if your dog is too scared to even go potty outside, you’ll need to set up a litterbox for now. There’s a certain process that needs to go along with retraining your dog to love the outdoors again. One day, his wife looked out of the window and saw a fox stalking the dog. my shepherd mix a few weeks ago started screaming when we take her outside she refuses to go out to potty and sometimes she goes no problem. But, if they’ve ever been outside in a thunderstorm, or even in the rain, it could create a negative association with the outdoors. If your dog has ever been hurt, or heard a loud noise, or had a bad experience in your ‘going outside’ routine, it may be the routine that’s the problem. I have given him to my grandmother for a while to see if she can get him over this scariness. Carrie Peterson from Colorado Springs, CO on June 22, 2015: lol ... my dog is afraid of EVERYTHING. Hi. Others may go out but will cower low to the ground or have their tail tucked between their legs. If your dog will not take food, you are working over the threshold. This happened in a fenced yard in a residential area. Make it a fun game as outlined in exercise 1. He is not treat, food, or toy motivated either, I've tried coaxing him out that way and his fear overwhelms everything. I've been doing lots of reading and research about nervous and fearful rescue dogs (which he certainly seems to be, he is fearful to go to the bathroom in front of me, he will take a treat from me and then scurry backwards, and I am also working on his separation anxiety). He is now on anxiety medication but it doesn't stop his fear it just takes away his personality. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 23, 2016: You can try having a friend/family member mimic the banging noise at a very low volume from a distance and feed high value treats. Did anything work with your pup? Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 21, 2017: This article was so helpful. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 27, 2016: Yes, any changes like a vacation can bring things a few steps back, so you'll have to re-start and hopefully you can get back and pick from were you left. As you might expect, if your dog isn’t fully capable of understanding or remembering what’s going on around them, it can be quite scary! Last year, there was a dog who was terrified of walking on slippery floors. Tips On How To Help a Puppy Scared To Go On Walks Tip #1 – Use a Retractable Leash. In counterconditioning we are changing the dog's emotional response and attitude towards the outdoors, flipping it upside down. My Border collie pup is 15 weeks and won't go past the garden gate, We got him almost two weeks ago I have carried him to the car to take him to the park and when he's there he is fine. For now, I will accept that going for a walk just isn't for him (he doesn't "play" either right now...all he really does is rest/sleep...preferably on my lap or beside me). So, if you recently moved or changed something in the yard, consider that when trying to decide what’s scaring them. I adopted a rescue dog who is 8 months now. That said, if there is a car ride and a new park involved, she will hop to it. Don't know what to do, have tried all suggestions on the site and none work for him. I also don't want to drive her to a new park every night because that creates a different problem. If they are, take them back inside. She did pee this morning, but then immdiately ran for the house. type thing. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 29, 2016: It's a starting point if you got her to stay in front of the door. The problem occurs when your scared pup can't run away - for example if he's cornered by a child who wants to pet him even though he's clearly frightened, or he's physically forced to get too close to something that is scaring him. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on December 31, 2016: Laurie, slow and steady wins the race. See my hubs of counterconditioning and desensitization. Thank you very much! Dogs who aren’t leash trained can find it scary for a while if they have to learn about it when they’re older. We don't have a fenced in yard here and I can't get her to walk. I certainly am not going to let him become un-housetrained by having him get used to going inside. I would really appreciate any inputs about this matter. You may need calming aids or the help of a professional if your dog is so stressed there's no progress or he won't take treats. As a puppy owner who is trying to figure out how to train a scared puppy, you must understand that the habit of the companion to go outside is providing all the support needed to overcome the scaredness.