Proper watering and correct lighting are the most important things to get right with indoor tropical plants. Keep in mind that when the temperature is more mild, a wide selection of these plants can be placed outside, on your terrace or in your flower beds. Of course, every plant is different so it’s best to look up the exact type of tropical plant you’re growing to make sure it doesn’t have any special care instructions. Here are some steps to tropical plant care. This could possibly be the most common of all tropical house plants, which may be due to the minimal care required to keep them flourishing. Mist the foliage of your tropical plants frequently, every three to four days. In any collection, the trusty potted palms are the backbone that ties the little jungle together. The croton plant is often grown outdoors in tropical climates, but also make excellent houseplants. Most pictures taken on interior landscape accounts that I manage. I hope that your indoor tropical house plants and all of your plants and flowers are happy, green and growing because that is why I started this indoor house plant and flower care website, Make sure the plant has plenty of sunlight, 6 hours per day. Many customers do use tropicals as patio plants or even pool plants but they bring them indoors during the cooler months. Umbrella plants need lots of bright light, and it’s a good idea to rotate yours occasionally to help it grow evenly. Care of Houseplants Light. But overwatering is the number one cause of death for tropical indoor plants. These easy-to-grow potted plants are a tropics lover's paradise for indoor growing. Don’t use chemical pesticides though, they aren’t very effective on these types of bugs (plus they’re harmful to us and our pets!). Houseplant pests can be a major pain, and dealing with them is no fun. Tropical plants like it humid, which makes sense if you think about where they come from (the humid tropics). Native to warm, shady and moist climates such as those in the tropical jungle, these plants thrive well in shady places, which is why they are usually kept indoors in homes and offices. Next, when it comes to watering, you let the snake plant’s soil dry out completely between watering (hence their tolerance to neglect). If you love tropical plants but don’t live near the tropics, we’ve got 10 tropicals that can grow outside the warm, balmy locale. So, if any of your tropical plants have started to grow leggy and are reaching for the window, or they have lost their color, that means they need more light. Needs: Bright light, and 11 inches on either side of the plant so the glossy leaves have room to grow outward. Also, indoor tropical palms grow slower due to dry air, less heat, and cramped roots. Tropical plants purify the environment where they are found, and also serve as a simple decorative item. Indoor flowering plants and plants that are native to the tropics, in general prefer bright, indirect sunlight, even moisture and humidity. House plant care and information with pictures - Tropical plant, indoor plants. Tropical plants are very delicate and succumb to the cold easily if they are placed in drafty or air conditioned rooms. If you can remember to water your anthurium when the soil is dry and place it in a spot that gets plenty of indirect sunlight, then you should be able to enjoy anthurium plants in your home. Tropical plants thrive in warm, humid environments, while cacti and succulents prefer hot, dry climes. While indoor specimens don’t typically flower, this plant can grow up to 10 feet tall indoors; if need be, you can prune back the tops of the tallest stems to encourage fuller, bushier growth. Some of the most spectacular container plants for your indoor garden are fragrant, flowering tropical plants that can be grown on a sunny windowsill or in a sunroom or light garden. Make sure you taper off feeding when the plant is dormant, to once or twice from November to March. Powered By: Like most succulents, Kalanchoe is a relatively hands-off varietal, preferring plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil. Next, prune your plant regularly by cutting branches at a 45 degree angle above a leaf node to encourage fuller growth. But below are some general guidelines for how to take care of tropical plants. Many of these plants come from tropical forests where they live under the shade of large trees. Most tropical plants like their soil to stay evenly moist, but not wet. Since most indoor plants we stock are tropical types, we need to create a warm and humid indoor space for them to thrive. If you’re wondering where to get indoor plants, you should be able to find tropical houseplants for sale at your local garden center. 7 years ago | 61 views. Tropical plants most used in interior landscapes. There are many types of tropical houseplants that adapt well to the low light conditions indoors… but there are some that need bright light to grow their best. If the inside of your home or office is dry due to air conditioning, place a small bowl of water near the tropical plant. LIST . That’s great new for us, and it makes tropical houseplant care much easier! You may need to rely on a humidifier to create the environment they prefer, or mist the plant with a sprayer every couple of days. Peperomia houseplants are one of the best indoor tropical plants. Plant the banana plant in a pot with a drainage hole. Like I mentioned above, most popular tropical houseplants have similar growing requirements. To care for tropical houseplants, you'll need to have containers, plates, artificial light and a sunny room. Many of these common houseplant problems could also be caused by pests like spider mites, so be sure to inspect the plant for signs of infestation. Tropical plants include dieffenbachia, peace lily, elephant ear plants and palm trees. Check the label instructions for directions and precautions prior to application. Slow-release granular fertilizer would also work great. Your email address will not be published. Tropical plants most used in interior landscapes. They’re definitely some of the best indoor potted plants to grow, and who doesn’t love to add a little bit of the tropics into their home with some exotic houseplants? It's also suited to a variety of temperatures, but will not bloom during the winter months. All of the same tips apply when thinking about banana plant care indoors: get a well-draining soil. Kalanchoe Plant Care . Keep your tropical plant in the same size container, or slightly larger than the one you purchased it in. Pinterest; Facebook; Twitter; Email; By: Felder Rushing. Indoor tropical house plants Flowering house plants will flower year after year if given the proper conditions. Tropical Plant Empire is an online plant boutique that specializes in rare, hard to find and the most sought-after tropical indoor plants, especially aroids.Our main priority is to provide unique and unusual foliage plants of the best quality.Our professional growers carefully hand-pick plants to ensure that each individual plant is mature, fully-established and ready for their new home. Don’t fertilize tropical plants during the winter months unless you’re growing a plant that requires it. Dec 20, 2018 - Caring for houseplants and flowers, indoor tropical plant care how-to-guide, tips and pictures. Indoor plants, like their outdoor counterparts allows our human instinct to care, nurture, and tend to our green babies daily. Keep your plants in a warm and humid area with temperatures around 70 degrees. Plus, the reason they’re the most popular indoor plants is that most of these exotic indoor plants don’t require a ton of special care. Keep your plants in a warm and humid area with temperatures around 70 degrees. The Gryphon is also easy to care and produces beautiful flower displays, which makes it a great plant for both indoors and outdoors. Logee’s specializes in rare and unusual tropical houseplants that can be displayed as trendy indoor plants to delight the gardener year-round. Tropical houseplant care can be challenging, especially for some of the fussier types of houseplants. House plants can brighten and beautify any room in your home or office. I mentioned the best house plants and how to care for them. My green thumb comes from my parents, and I've been gardening most of my life. Water your plant with rainwater whenever possible. The most popular type is Cordyline fruticosa.These are what we're showing mostly below. Put the tropical plant under the shade of an awning or tree if you place it outside, since direct sunlight can burn the leaves. Tropical Indoor Plants Filters. Tropical plants make excellent houseplants because many of them can easily adapt to growing indoors. Add a pop of color to the gray winter months through Extension's tropical plant care webinar on Dec. 17, 2020, at 2 p.m. Because nothing says the tropics like the graceful and dignified palms. The warm, humid air and plenty of air circulating will help care for your palm plant. This robust, easy-to-grow tropical indoor plant can grow up to nine feet. These indoor house plants clean the air and boost your mood. If you want something lightweight, select one made from plastic or resin.Those made from wood or clay may be harder to move around but can last longer. Crotons come in a wide variety of leaf shapes and colors. My brand new book Vertical Vegetables is now available for purchase!! We offer the lowest prices for plants online. Croton Indoor Plant. Choosing the right plant for the right place applies indoors as much as it does in your outdoor landscapes. Put the tropical plant under the shade of an awning or tree if you place it outside, since direct sunlight can burn the leaves. Stagnant air results in weak plant growth. Indoor Tropical Plant Care. Identify your indoor house plants! Required fields are marked *. It's also suited to a variety of temperatures, but will not bloom during the winter months. Images by lmnoporcupine, Reddit. Place indoor tropical plants near a window that gets at least five to seven hours of curtain … All content found on this website is copyrighted materials and any form of reproduction is strictly prohibited. The only other … Step 1. If you struggle with indoor plant maintenance during the long, dark and dry winter months, then my Winter Houseplant Care eBook is perfect for you! Tropical plants serve as beautiful accent pieces both indoors and outside. 1. Native to warm, shady and moist climates such as those in the tropical jungle, these plants thrive well in shady places, which is why they are usually kept indoors in homes and offices. Place indoor tropical plants near a window that gets at least five to seven hours of curtain filtered sunlight. Put your tropical plant in a proper container. Also, when growing plants indoors—including tropical palms—make sure there is plenty of air circulation. This can be any container that will hold your plant while it grows. Anthuriums are tropical plants, so they thrive indoors and in humid environments. A one-stop shop for everything houseplants. You could try putting your plants on top of pebble trays filled with water (don’t allow the plant to sit in the water though). Then, put the plant in an area that gets about 14 hours of sunlight a day, and don’t move it too often. Find what your house plants needs and care are, which house plant you need. Planted in a good potting mix, they really don’t need any fertilizer and they’ll produce attractive green leaves with a white stripe down the middle. There are tons of cool and unique tropical plants that make beautiful indoor plants. Light is an important part of indoor houseplant care. To see if a plant needs water, stick your finger down about an inch into the soil. Tropical plants make excellent houseplants because they are very easy plants to grow inside, and most of them have the same basic needs. I also like to use a mixture of 1 tsp mild liquid soap per 1 liter of water to kill bugs on contact. Philodendron monstera Swiss cheese indoor tropical plants. I recommend using organic plant fertilizer on tropical plants because many of them are sensitive to chemical fertilizers, and can burn easily. Below are some common problems you might have, and how to fix them. Your email address will not be published. Anthurium care is not complicated or time-consuming. Check the soil regularly, and only water houseplants if they need it. Tropical plants serve as beautiful accent pieces both indoors and outside. Just because tropical plants are often referred to easy indoor plants to grow, it doesn’t mean you won’t have any problems caring for them. The ideal winter environment for most flowering tropical plants would be approximately 50 degrees at night and 65 degrees during the day. A container that is too large can cause root rot, while a container that is too small prevents the roots of the plant from spreading, thus staggering its growth and health. Images by lmnoporcupine, Reddit. Some plants are more sensitive to it than others though, and it never hurts to add more humidity to the air when it’s dry. To avoid overwatering, hold off on further waterings until the top layer of soil dries out to a depth of about 2 inches (5.1 cm). Nationwide US Shipping. Water the plants frequently so the soil is evenly moist at all times. With a little effort and extra care, your tropical plants will grow healthy and thrive for years. When it comes to soil, most indoor tropical houseplants aren’t super picky, they will grow just fine in a general purpose potting soil. Identify your indoor house plants! Indoor tropical house plants Flowering house plants will flower year after year if given the proper conditions. See more ideas about plants, outdoor plants, planting flowers. If your finger comes out dry, it is time to water. Humidity: Tropical plants do best when the humidity level is 50 – 60 percent or higher. A good potting mix for Monstera and other aroids may contain bark, medium to large … Bromeliads are a family of tropical plants known for their lush, vibrant foliage. How to care for indoor plants. On the other hand, if you are growing plants indoors in a sunny window and the leaves start to burn, then move them to an area where they’re protected from the hot sun. Water the houseplant when the top part of the soil has dried. How to care for indoor palm plants: Place the palm plant in a bright location, with indirect sunlight, and in well-draining potting soil. You can always buy houseplants online, where you can find tropical plants for sale year-round like this cute collection of mini tropical plants or a mini fern collection to get you started. Variegated rubber plants make beautiful houseplants. A grow light will likely help you get the light you need indoors. IMAGE GALLERY . Combine a few pots together and you have yourself a veritable tropical jungle that purifies the air in your home. Tropical plants are wonderful as houseplants or Patio Plants, but if you live in a northern area, many of these plants must be brought inside during the winter months. Numerous studies show having plants around indoors makes us happier and healthier! In the tropical regions of the flowering stem, appears every few years and produces white and creamy flowers in large, small bell-shaped bumps, but less often in the florets. The croton indoor plant has a reputation for being fussy, but in reality, if you know about caring for a croton houseplant properly, it can make for a resilient and hard-to-kill plant. There aren’t really one-size-fits-all plant care tips as every individual plant … All of the same tips apply when thinking about banana plant care indoors: get a well-draining soil.