Things of that nature? No NTR course or related area course for which a grade of C (a C- is not acceptable) or better is required for the major may be taken more than twice. Thanks for the response. I've always really enjoyed those old texts and while it's honestly just because I need one of those GLT courses I would for sure rather enjoy the material. (Pr. for your OS). University Registrar's Office Location: 180 Mossman Building (Spring Garden & Stirling) Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Mailing Address: PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170 Telephone: 336-334-5946 Fax: 336-334-3649 E-mail: Satisfaction Survey Sp 18, Residential College Seminar in Philosophical/Religious/Ethical Principles, Ashby Residential College Seminar in Literature & Rhetoric, Animals and Ourselves in Art and Performance, Residential College Seminar in Literature (Science Fiction: Literature of Change), Residential College Seminar in Historical Perspectives: Premodern, Ashby Seminar in Pre-Modern History/Global, Residential College Seminars in Historical Perspectives: Modern, Residential College Seminar in Literature and Rhetoric, Residential College Seminar in Fine Arts (3:3), "I am someone Else"- Colonial &Colonized, Post Colonial & Post Colonized, Culture of the Pacific (cross listed with ATY 337), Matthew McKinnon, Bennett Ramsey, Ashley Dreff, New Testament and Origins of Christianity, Religious Traditions and Care of the Earth, Christianity and the Construction of Gender, Marc Bregman, Gwynn Kessler, Maxine Grossman, Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion, Religious Movements and Communities: Selected Topics, Charles Orzech, Ben Ramsey, M. Grossman, D. Krueger, Bill Magee, Greg Grieve, Contemporary African American Religious Thought, Charles Headington, Greg Grieve, Ana Christina Lopez, Advanced Russian Conversation and Composition, Major Movements in Russian Literature and Culture, Service Delivery Systems and Role Management, Survey of Learning and Behavior Differences, Survey of Learning Disabilities and Behavioral and Emotional Disabilities, Language Teaching Methods with Deaf Students, Thinking Sociologically - Classical Theory, Sociological Perspectives on Education (eff. GEC/LEC credit sought is not awarded by a corresponding UNCG academic department. Students who receive a grade Statistics is the scientific discipline that deals with the collection, organization, analysis, display, and interpretation of numerical data. Sp 18, Amazons, Queens, Wives, Mothers: The Ancient Warrior Women, Seminar in Life Science. Sample Course Offerings – Spring 2020. University Registrar's Office Location: 180 Mossman Building (Spring Garden & Stirling) Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Mailing Address: PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170 Telephone: 336-334-5946 Fax: 336-334-3649 E-mail: registrar@uncg… Weagerle - traditional face-to-face, Entrepreneurial Career Strategies for Artists, Essentials of Professional and Business Writing, Academic English for Speakers of Other Languages, Major British Authors: Medieval to Eighteenth Century, Major British Authors: Romantic to Modern, Anne Wallace, Gary Lim, Walter Beale, Jim Evans, Mary Gibson, Jennifer Keith, Transcultural Literatures: Medieval to Enlightment, Transcultural Literatures: Romantic to Postmodern, Journalism I: Fundamentals of Newswriting, Writing for the Workplace and Public Audiences, Major American Authors: Colonial to Romantic, Major American Authors: Realist to Modern, Stephen Yarbrough, Risa Applegarth, Nancy Myers, Any Instructor - when taught as a traditional face-to-face class, Critical Approaches to the Study of Literature, Introduction to Rhetoric: Rhetorical Power, Hephzibah Roskelly, Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater, Laurie White, Nancy Bucknall, Jeanie Reynolds, Walter Beale, The Teaching of Writing in the Elementary and Middle Grades, Contemporary British Language and Culture, Kelley Griffith, Karen Kilcup, Karen Weyler, R. Applegarth, L. Hirsu, N. Myers, H. Roskelly, S. Yarbrough, Studies in Writing Center Theory and Practice, Studies in Digital Studio Theory & Practice, The Critical Canon and Contemporary Issues, Christian Moraru, Ben Clarke or other Graduate Faculty in English, Freshman Seminar in Literature - Global Perspectives, Freshman Seminar in Philosophical, Religious and Ethical Principles--Global Perspectives: Food, Feasting and Fasting in Religion, Freshman Seminar in Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Principles-Global Non-Western Perspectives, Freshman Seminar in Historical Perspectives: Premodern-Global Perspectives, Freshman Semniar in Historical Perspectives: Modern, Crossing Borders/Crossing cultures: Minority Voices In Multicultural Germany, Freshman Seminar in Historical Perspectives: Modern-Global Non-Western Perspectives, Explorations in French Literature: English Versions, Intermediate French, Culture and Business, Introduction to French Civilization and Culture, Masterworks of German Literature Read in English, German Conversation and Composition: Topics, German Literature: Advanced Intermediate Topics, German Culture: Advanced Intermediate Topics, Topics in Central European Studies to 1918, Topics in Central European Studies since 1918, David McDuffie, Aaron Allen, Jay Lennartson, Tommy Patterson, Environmental Change: Its Nature and Impact, Gordon Bennett, Selima Sultana, Keith Debbage, Welsh, Capstone Seminar for Environmental Studies, Birth Through Kindergarten Ed. of GLT (Aesthetics & Ethics electives) up to 3 s.h. Things of that nature? to Greek Civilization (2 sections) Wharton Doudalis: TR TR: 2-3:15 11-12:15: GHP.GL.GPM: CCI 202 One Speaking Intensive (SI) Course In addition to this SI Marker requirement, students must also complete a second SI course within the major.All programs have identified at least one course among … GLS: Life Science: 1 course. Mythology looks neat and has huge course sizes.. Mythology is a great course! It would be the level 100 mythology course. Historical Perspectives (GHP)—3 credit hours required 6. Topics may include national identity, citizenship, immigration, space, memory, revolution, and hegemony. Connect with us! 36 Semester Credits at 300 Level or Above. MAT 310, MAT 311, MAT 390, and MAT 395 are offered as contract Honors courses for students that wish to graduate with Disciplinary Honors. GFA: Fine Arts: 1 course. You will read primary texts. University Registrar's Office Location: 180 Mossman Building (Spring Garden & Stirling) Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Mailing Address: PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170 Telephone: 336-334-5946 Fax: 336-334-3649 E-mail: Satisfaction Survey (GEC) courses (GLT, GFA, GHP, etc) by clicking in the empty “Categories & Attributes (GEC)” box Note: You can click on the course link in the first column to see the course description and other information The CRN#s are here . Entering senior year and will need a GLT - Literature in the spring of 2018. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The Office of Assessment, Accreditation, and Academic Program Planning is operational and staffed Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in Mossman Suite 224. You may not receive credit for both FMS 115 and ENG 101. Critical reading and analysis of American and British novels, short stories, and narrative poems. Most features in UNCGenie work with most browsers. of GPR (Aesthetics & Ethics electives) up to 3 s.h. Core courses are designed specifically for ... (GLT) Dr. Alan Benson TR 12:30-1:45pm, Mary Foust 128 We all use computers and the internet daily. BLS staff can be contacted via Email: or Phone: 336.256.1303. DCE 205), M. Parrish/M. We have ten languages from which you can choose. UNCG Homepage View the UNCG Homepage : Open Public General Surveys Please check if you have any pending Public General Survey to answer. Sp 19, Topics in Film: The American West in Film, Topics in Film - Becoming Us: Immigrant Stories in Film (face-to-face) Eff. Summer 2018), Immigration, Race and Ethnicity in a Global Context, Collective Violence and non Violence in Global Perspective, Considering Ourselves as Offenders, Victims and Survivors, Cindy Brooks Dollar - traditional face-to-face, Hispanic Masterpieces in English Translation, Women in Non-Western Cultures/Hispanic Culture and Civilizations, Advanced Spanish Language and Cultures for Heritage Speakers, Conversation in Spanish-Speaking Countries, Spanish Composition for Heritage Speakers, Topics in Literature from the Spanish Speaking World, Internship II: Inquiry in Teaching & Learning, Inquiry Seminar III: Inquiry in Teaching and Learning, An Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies, Women's and Gender Studies Senior Capstone Course. GFA: Fine Arts: 1 course. Completion of a minimum of 18 s.h. A student may not receive credit for any NTR course by special examination. Select a Subject (required) and a Course Category (optional). Use the directions below to search for courses. courses completed at UNCG Students already admitted to the UNCG Teacher Educa-tion Program with a major in Biology who are seeking admis-sion to Student Teaching must meet the following require-ments of the Department of Biology: 1. GE Marker: GN. Credit; CCI 201: Intro. GLT – literature GEC GMO – historical perspectives GEC – modern (for CAS students) ... students to UNCG and the Honors College. Literature (GLT)—3 credit hours required 3. Prerequisite Checking University Registrar's Office Location: 180 Mossman Building (Spring Garden & Stirling) Office Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M. Mailing Address: P.O. For all Russian Courses, see the UNCG University Catalog. Prerequisites: Living Learning Community. Honors Courses Open to All Honors Students: 200-Level Honors Seminars Honors Seminars and Other Special Honors Courses Honors Versions of Regular UNCG Courses (See UNCGenie for Honors Independent Studies in the Disciplines) For more detailed information about courses offerings, you are encouraged to contact the instructor. Select Summer 2021. Course Title Instructor Days Time General Ed. Bryan School Deans Office: (336) 334-5338. We work with instructors to create, redesign, or adapt courses that accomplish course goals as defined by the instructor. Each is open to and appropriate for all undergraduate students, regardless of major. UNCG offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses during Summer Session. You may contact us at 336-334-4361 or at for any questions you may have. toward any minor. Fine Arts (GFA)—3 credit hours required 2. General Education Core Requirements (GEC in catalog) College of Arts & Sciences Liberal Education Commitment (LEC in catalog) Summary of GEC + LEC. to Greek Civilization (2 sections) Wharton Doudalis: TR TR: 2-3:15 11-12:15: GHP.GL.GPM: CCI 202 Credit; CCI 201: Intro. Arrows indicate prerequisite courses required Prerequisites and corequisites are listed for all courses in the Undergraduate Bulletin and The Graduate School Bulletin, and it is the student's responsibility to ensure that all prerequisites and corequisites are met. GMT: Mathematics: 1 course. Things of that nature? A course in academic writing, focusing on analysis, argument, and critical reflection using the tenets of rhetoric. Search for Summer Courses. Thanks for the response. Box 26170, Greensboro NC 27402-6170 Telephone: 336/334-5946 Fax: 336/334-3649 Transcript Line: 336/334-5945 E-mail: : Prof Seminar II, Current Developmental Theory and Research, Leadership in the Field of Early Care and Education, Professional Orientation to Business and Community, Administration of Dependent Care Programs, Diversity in Inclusive Early Care and Education, Introduction to Public Health Education Practice, Reading Daniel Boone: Frontier History and the Novel, The Present State of the Once and Future King, The United States: A General Survey to 1865, The United States: A General Survey Since 1865, Gender, Family, and Wealth in African History, Daughters of Eve: Women in the Middle-Ages, Civil Rights and Black Freedom, 1940-1980, The Age of the Democratic Revolution, 1764-1789, Historical Methods for Social Studies Teachers, Principles and Practices for Teaching History, Seminar in Historical Research and Writing, Meaning and Memory in American Popular Music, Personal and Political Intersection with Women's Lives, Life Behind Bars: US Contemporary Prisons, CSI UNCG: Interrogating Univ. For security reasons you should use the most recent available browser (Firefox, IE, Chrome etc. 2.0 Cumulative GPA: Minimum GPA for coursework attempted at UNCG. About Statistics. These courses cover both Honors credits and General Education Credits (GEC) for the university. Course Catalog View course information, including course description. college writing course GSB Social and Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Sociology, Economics 2 (6 sh) IMPORTANT NOTE: One additional GEC category course will also be required to complete the UNCG General Education Program, and is dependent on a student’s School or College and academic major. I know it's boring, I know it's dry as heck sometimes, but you'd only be cheating yourself by Sparknoting your way through a course that you pay good money for. Mathematics (GMT)—… It would be the level 100 mythology course. Spring 2021 Please check Genie to confirm that a course is being offered as SI or WI for a particular semester. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Would it mainly just be readings and responses? GMO: Modern History: 1 course. Course Title Instructor Days Time Prerequisites; LAT 101: Elementary Latin I (3 sections) Schueller Heyn Shelmerdine: MWF MWF MWF: 9-9:50 10-10:50 11-11:50: LAT 140 Courses must be completed at UNCG. American Sign Language Generally, 100 and 200 level courses are taken in the first two years, 300 level courses are taken in years 2 and 3, and 400 level courses are taken in the final year. GLT: Literature: 2 different courses. Would it mainly just be readings and responses? (All BLS courses are at 300- & 400-level.) Sp 18, CSI UNCG: Interrogating University History, Uncovering Stories, and Communicating the Past, Radical Notions: Conceptualizing Feminist Philosophy, Angela Bolte, Walter Beale, Jarrett Leplin, Joshua Hoffman, Race and Ethnicity in Ancient Northern Africa, Designing Weddings and Other Ceremonies (face-to-face) eff. For example, a petition for an introductory fiction writing course to satisfy a Literature (GLT) requirement would be denied because UNCG’s ENG 225: Writing of Fiction is not marked to satisfy that GEC requirement. Literature (GLT) Literature (GLT) Student Learning Goals: At the end of this course, the student will be able to: Identify and understand varied characteristics of literature ; Apply techniques of literary analysis to texts ; Use literary study to develop skills in careful reading and clear writing Awesome! of GFA (Aesthetics & Ethics electives) up to 3 s.h. The General Education learning goals attached … Attention to historical, cultural, and literary backgrounds as appropriate. Taught in English or Russian. GPR: Philosophical, Religious, & Ethical Perspectives: 1 course. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Bachelor of Science in Economics The Bachelor of Science in Economics builds on an analytical business foundation and develops the student’s ability to apply economic reasoning and analysis to economic, business, and policy issues. Plagues: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, The Internet and Global Society and Culture, Advanced Computer-Aided Design and Research Seminar, Introduction to International and Global Studies, Capstone Seminar in International and Global Studies, Contemporary Media Literacies (online) Eff Sp 18, Cross-Cultural Competence and Global Understanding (eff Sp 18), Project Management in Information Organizations, Any Instructor - traditional face-to-face, Japanese Cultural Topics: Women in Japanese Literature and Film, Student Teaching Seminar in Physical Education, Student Teaching and Seminar in Physical Education, Advanced Topics: Rebels and Revolutionaries in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences, Special Approval: One student in Fall 2004, Multimedia for Social Entrepreneurship & Civic Engagement, Topics in Film - Becoming Us: Immigrant Stories in Film (face-to-face) Eff. A summer program abroad counts as a semester. Students must complete 36-37 credit hours from the following course categories. Honors Courses Open to All Honors Students 200-Level Honors Seminars Honors Seminars and Other Special Honors Courses & Honors Versions of Regular UNCG Courses (See UNCGenie for Honors Independent Studies in the Disciplines) For more detailed information about courses offerings, you are encouraged to contact the instructor. Our office email address is office phone # is 336.334.5531. Course Title Instructor Days Time General Ed. Awesome! of GHP/GMO (Equity & Society electives) Select Class Schedule. Box 26170, Greensboro NC 27402-6170 Telephone: 336/334-5946 Fax: 336/334-3649 Transcript Line: 336/334-5945 E-mail: (I think most of our myth classes read Homer's Odyssey in its entirety.) Complete three (3) semesters at UNCG (minimum of 45 s.h.) Through its programs, courses, and faculty, the College of Arts and Sciences empowers students to succeed by embracing the challenges of a complex, changing world. The following NTR and Related-Area courses are taken in sequence. Our Mission For all Russian Courses, see the UNCG ... GLT GN IGS WI TR 12:30-1:45 Topics vary, each taking a broad perspective on an important movement, social trend, literary development, or cultural period. Degree Requirements. and b) Just do the readings. Box 26170 NS: Additional Natural Science: 1 course. For example, Biology courses cannot satisfy a Physical Science (GPS) … 102 Elementary Russian I (Sutton) GCP GN ... 314 Chekhov’s Drama (Macfie) GLT GN IGS WI TR 12:30-1:45 Topics vary, each taking a broad perspective on an important movement, social trend, literary development, or cultural period. (GLS or GPS) You may contact us at 336-334-4361 or at for any questions you may have. I just caution you a) Don't expect myth to be like Edith Hamilton's mythology book. ENG 105 at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) in Greensboro, North Carolina. GPS: Physical Science: 1 course. UNCG College of Arts and Sciences Marker Abbreviations: WI: Writing Intensive SI: Speaking Intensive GL: Global Perspectives GN: Global Non-Western Perspectives REASONING AND DISCOURSE I GEC category: GRD Also carries credit equivalent to ENG 101. GE Core: GRD. Defender Kayla Campbell was elected to the 2020-21 Preseason All-SoCon team as well, beginning her third year with the Spartans this February. Our team is composed of professionals who not only specialize in creating efficient, effective, and engaging course experiences but … Thanks for the response. Writing Intensive Courses Definition. 4. Philosophical/Religious/Ethical Perspectives (GPR)—3 credit hours required 4. A corequisite is a course that must be taken concurrently with another course. GLT: Literature: 2 different courses. Mailing Address: P.O. UNCG’s General Education Council defines Writing Intensive Courses as courses in which students regularly use writing, in class and in homework, to formulate, analyze, interpret, evaluate, process content, and engage with multiple perspectives on important questions and problems related to a particular subject or field of work. If you already have some foreign language proficiency, you can take a language placement test to start at a higher level course or even waive the course requirement. , from humanistic Perspectives graduated today with a classics degree Perspectives: 1 course,. If you have any pending Public General Surveys please check Genie to that... Hss ( Honors ) marker ( GHP ) —3 credit hours required 2 not cast. Above must be completed by the instructor most recent available browser ( Firefox,,. To FMS 115 or RCO 101, & Ethical Perspectives: 1.! Office: ( 336 ) 334-5928 GHP/GMO ( Equity & Society electives ) up 3... 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Literature in the following common core of courses semester so this UNCG Genie shit kind.