Union Officer Responsibilities. Financial Safeguards - Union officers have a duty to manage the funds and property of the union solely for the benefit of the union and its members in accordance with the union's constitution and bylaws.Union officers or employees who embezzle or steal union funds or other assets commit a Federal crime punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. Union privates were paid $13 per month until after the final raise of 20 June '64, when they got $16. Most unions have paid staff to manage their operations. While the staff is paid by union dues, members sometimes volunteer with the union. Most officers start out at a pay grade of O-1 and earn a base pay of $3,107 a month with less than two years in the Marines. Since each state is in charge of its own benefit programs, requirements and results differ. Union Officers' Responsibilities as Plan Trustees (Prohibited Transactions) Under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA) union officers have a duty and responsibility to manage the funds and property of the union solely for the benefit of the union and its members in accordance with the union's constitution and bylaws. Union members pay dues to cover the union’s costs. Officer Allowances: When you notice the discrepancy between the enlisted ranks and the officer ranks, remember that the officer pay included certain allowances, such as additional rations, forage, and fuel allowances.So, for instance, the Union infantry colonel's pay included the cash value for six human and three horse rations a day, which came to $78 a month. Do hairdressers get paid well? Dues vary but many are around $50 a month. They hold elections for officers who make decisions on behalf of members, giving workers more power on the job. Providing reasonable life, health, accident and similar insurance protection is not considered compensation. ... As with many other organizations, union costs are paid by member dues that typically cost about $50 a month. Most unions have paid, full-time staff that helps to manage its operations. NOTES. National Officers and employees are paid by the union. Some national unions such as the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) have intervening organizations between the national office and the local. A credit union may compensate an officer, director or committee member’s services to the credit union. Soldier's Pay In The American Civil War. Gerald McEntee, who was first elected union president in 1981, was paid $479,328 in salary and benefits in 2009. More than four in 10 New Jersey police officers earn more than $100,000 before factoring in any overtime pay, according to a USA TODAY NETWORK New Jersey analysis of payroll records. In a side note, AFGE has Districts numbered 2-14 but no District 1 or 13. Directors, officers and committee members may be reimbursed for At union headquarters in Washington, 10 officers and employees receive more than $200,000 a year. In the 26 states that haven’t passed Right To Work laws, employees working under a “union shop” contract must either join the union and pay dues, or decide not to join the union and be forced to pay an “agency fee” (which is usually just slightly less than full dues). Some unions also create strikes funds that support workers in the event of a strike. The answer depends on where you live. AFSCME, one of the fastest growing unions in the United States, was founded in Wisconsin almost 80 years ago. More than 7 percent of all dues and fees collected by the union were used to pay Nicollai’s single salary. Hair stylists averaged $26,460 per year, or $12.72 per hour, as of May 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the infantry and artillery, officer was as follows at the start of the war: colonels, $212; lieutenant colonels, $181; majors, $169; captains, $115.50; first lieutenants, $105.50; and second lieutenants, $105.50.